Monday, March 24, 2008

My blog is down.

I`ve been experience connection timeout today with my wordpress blog at

This is strange as I was able to post this yesterday. I posted Malaysia political news on my blog so my initial thought of this is "hmm.. is Malaysia government try to ban blogger?"

I did some checking and found out that apparently my hosting company DNS servers is not contactable. Gee.. This is bad. Both primary and secondary DNS servers is not pingable.
So I did some dns resolutions and found that my hosting company few other DNS servers are ok and able to resolve my domain name.

Instead of putting 2 DNS names server, I`ve now updated it to include 4 DNS names server.

To take a preventive step ahead, I`ve also started my blog now at blogger. So I have to post in two places now until i find an automated way to do this.

"If it does not killed you, you will grow stronger"

Like vise, I will be making my blog more resillence now after the crash.

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